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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

14th Mar 2019
Congratulations to P7 pupils Leah, Levi and Nathan who came 2nd at the Sentinus...
13th Mar 2019
The boys and girls at Nursery had lots of fun with their parents at the recent FMS...
13th Mar 2019
In Dungannon Library P.6 pupils carried out an investigation of Dungannon Workhouse....
13th Mar 2019
Staff Nurse Sharon visited us at Nursery today.  We brought our sick teddies...
13th Mar 2019
Brandon took part in the festival yesterday. He came first place and won a cup....
12th Mar 2019
Many congratulations to the football team who have recently taken part in their...
12th Mar 2019
Congratulations to Sarah (P4) who took part in the Inter-Schools Showjumping at...
11th Mar 2019
P7 pupils Matthew and James along with P6 pupils Lydia and Ben took part in the...
8th Mar 2019
Today the children started brushing their teeth as part of their snack routine....