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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Apple Tart Time In Nursery!

12th Oct 2016

Archie brought in some cooking apples he found while out on an Autumn walk.  We talked about what we could make with the apples.  Archie decided to look in a recipe book which he found in the library.  This give him the idea of making an apple tart, with step by step instructions.    Mrs Ferguson collected all the ingredients at the shop.  Mrs Young read the recipe as the children worked together to follow the instructions.  First they sliced and cut the apples.  They rolled the pastry out and added the apples on top of the pastry. They sprinkled some sugar on top and covered it with more pastry.  Maisie thought it would be good to add some decorations to the top of the tart so she found some leaf cutters in the dough area.  The Nursery smelt lovely as the tart cooked in the oven.  The fun didn't stop there.  The next day we made custard and enjoyed apple tart and custard for snack.  It was yummy!  Archie, Elijah and Sophia brought some apple tart over to Mrs McAlister who was very impressed with the cooking skills of the children from the Nursery.  She gave all the children a special sticker!  Everyone was delighted.