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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
Online applications for Nursery and P1 Online applications for Nursery and P1 are currently open and will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January. Please see our admissions criteria below or the EA website for details on how to apply.
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Blackberry Farm Visits Nursery

13th Nov 2017

We had a very exciting morning as we welcomed some very special visitors into Nursery. As part of our 'Farm' topic Blackberry Farm came to visit us with lots of characters from our favourite story books including Little Red Hen, Billy Goats Gruff, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle the hedgehog, Moris the tortoise and a rooster. We learned songs about each animal and learned some new facts. We were very lucky as we got to stroke the animals and feed the goats. Thank you for coming to visit us!