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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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February Birthday Celebrations at Nursery

23rd Feb 2018

We had a great day today at our birthday party. We had lots of birthday themed play activities including, building presents, colouring pictures for the birthday girls, cutting and sticking our favourite presents and baking a birthday cake using play dough. We also made our own ham sandwiches for the party. We played some party games. We were very good at taking turns when playing 'Pass the Parcel'. Then we sang 'Happy Birthday' to our birthday girls and had some party food. To end, we read a book about a party and watched 'Peppa Pig's Birthday Party'. Thank you to Elliott's nanna for baking us a delicious chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Ruby V and Georgia from Mrs Leitch, Mrs Young and all your friends at Nursery. We hope you had a great party!