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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Forest Schools at Nursery

11th Nov 2020

We enjoyed our first forest school session of the year.  We set out our boundary flags; we must not go past the flags and remember to stay inside the boundary.  Then we talked about our forest school rules; one blow of the whistle means stop and two blows of the whistle means we must make our way back to the camp.  We were very good at following the rules.  We looked at different signs of Autumn and then we went on a scavenger hunt to see if we could find any of the items.  It was great fun exploring the garden area and we found lottos different signs of Autumn.  Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Young showed us a happy face and a sad face and we had to decide if we had a happy day or a sad day.  Most of us had a happy day and we are looking forward to visiting again next month for another forest school session.