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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Forest Schools At Nursery

6th Feb 2020

At forest schools we created our first campfire.  We collected small sticks and big sticks and used them to make a fire.  We talked about the dangers of fire and how to keep safe.  We enjoyed toasting marshmallows on the fire, drinking hot chocolate and singing some songs around the campfire.  It was a magical day! 

Thank-you to our parent volunteer for assisting with the activities.  

Creating a campfire with young children has many benefits:

  • They learn a lot of science 
  • They learn some basic survival and bush craft skills
  • They learn fire safety
  • They learn about managing risks
  • They learn the enjoyment and excitement of being around a campfire
  • They learn organisation skills
  • They learn to respect fire
  • They learn how to cook on a fire and about outdoor meal preparation