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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Forest Schools at Nursery

24th Oct 2019

At each forest school session we follow the same routine.  First we set out our boundary flags; we must not go past the flags and remember to stay inside the boundary.  Then we recap on our forest school rules; one blow of the whistle means stop and two blows of the whistle means we have to go back to camp.  We practised this a few times to make sure we all understood the rules carefully.  Then we began our main activities of the session.  We read the story ‘Leaf Man’ and we pretended to be leaf man blowing in the wind.  We had to move our bodies by running, spinning, jumping and rolling.  We worked in groups to collect items in the garden to create our own leaf man.  We found lots of interesting things to use.  Each group created their own, unique version of leaf man and we spent time looking at all our creations.  We tidied up and returned all the items we used; it is very important that we leave no trace behind.  Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Young showed us a happy face and a sad face and we had to decide if we had a happy day or a sad day.   We all agreed that we had a very happy day.  In fact, some of us  had the best day ever!  We can’t wait to visit  the garden next month for another forest school session.  

A big thank you to our parent volunteers for helping with the activities.  We really appreciate your support.