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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Go-Green Day at Nursery

25th Apr 2018

Today we all came to Nursery wearing something green. We were thinking all about our earth and how we can look after our earth. All of our activities were related to Earth Day. We made eatable mud pots, talking about how worms help to clean and protect our soil so plants can grow. We explored polluted water in our water tray and had to try to remove all the plastic, we sorted the rubbish into dumper trucks in the sand, we played an earth counting game using dice, we used balloons and paint to print earth, we explored a shaving foam coloured earth and sorted the sea and land animals. We made a delicious green cake and enjoyed lots of green snacks. We even had green milk. It was yummy. 

We went on a hunt outside to lift any litter in our playground. Thankfully we didn't find very much. 

We are going to be very busy now in Term 3 thinking all about how to help our earth and reducing, reusing and recycling.