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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Goodbye From Mrs. Cuddy

25th Jun 2021

Dear Parents,

It is the end of an era for me. I cannot believe I have been working in Bush Primary School for 35 years. It was so different when I arrived in December 1985, it was a small three teacher school and it has grown considerably over the years.

I started teaching composite classes and then my remaining years have been with P.2.

I have thoroughly loved teaching all the children and it is so rewarding meeting past pupils outside school. I never thought I would be leaving with one of my past pupils now as a permanent teacher in the school. Well done Cherith!

I have worked with four principals over the years and they have all had a great vision for the future of the school.

It has been a privilege to work with dedicated staff, wonderful children and very supportive parents. I have loved every day in Bush P.S and have many happy memories.

Thank-you for the beautiful gifts. I will treasure each and every one of them.

Love and best wishes to you all.
