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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
Online applications for Nursery and P1 Online applications for Nursery and P1 are currently open and will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January. Please see our admissions criteria below or the EA website for details on how to apply.
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Guidance for P4 online learning

5th Jan 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We hope you and your family have enjoyed a well-earned break over Christmas and are having a good 2021 so far! This is just a little note to explain how remote learning will hopefully work for Primary 4. Please note: not all classes will use exactly the same method, so we would appreciate if you would read the following thoroughly to ensure that you understand P4s procedure.
Remote learning last year was carried out via the Home Learning feature on the school website. This will NOT be happening this time. At the moment we intend to upload all work via Seesaw so that your children’s work can be sent back via Seesaw for marking and feedback.
However, to get you started this week we are going to try some simple Seesaw activities to make sure everyone can get logged on and are able to use the features of the app. Then for all of next week, we have prepared a pack of work for parents to collect from the P4 Cloakroom (entrance via playground) on Friday 8th January (10am-2pm). Unfortunately this will be the only time available for the collection of these packs.
This will hopefully ease you into the structure of home learning again and it will be a little more like we did last year. Only now we will communicate each day to tell your children how they should complete work and then they will photograph their work and return via Seesaw for marking and assessment.
The following week all work will be uploaded and returned via Seesaw.
Please note:
• Responses via Seesaw will only occur during the hours of a school day.
• Marking of work might be delayed by a day due to the continued uploading of work and giving help and feedback throughout the day. Do not panic if you have to complete work later in the day due to work commitments. We will simply mark their work the following day.
• If you wish to write on a page instead of an iPad/computer, we would recommend buying a file block and an A4 file to store the work for when we are back at school.

We truly hope this period of remote learning is for a short time. We will be posting daily on Seesaw, trying to keep your child as up to date and motivated with their learning as possible. However, we recognise that it can be difficult with parents working and having more children than devices in your house! With that in mind, please complete what is doable and when it is possible to suit your family needs.
If you have any queries, or just need some support, please do not hesitate to contact us via Seesaw or via email at or – We will be more than happy to help!

Thank you in advance for all your support.
J.Patterson and K.Girvan