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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Nursery Forest Schools: Day 1

12th Nov 2018

We visited the Hill of the O’Neill for our first Forest School session with Brian.  We worked together to mark out a boundary and Brian explained to us that we needed to stay inside the flags.  Then we went on a colour hunt and found lots of interesting things like leaves, grass, twigs and berries.  We played a game called birds and worms.  The birds had to look for the worms.  Some worms were very tricky to find.  We finished off the session by rolling down the hill.  We had our new outdoor gear on so we could enjoy this experience while staying dry and warm.   We all agreed that our first Forest School visit was so much fun and we can’t wait to return again next week.

Thank you to all our parent volunteers for coming along with us.  

We really appreciate your support.