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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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The Police visit Nursery

26th Feb 2018

As part of our theme 'People who Help Us', the police came to visit us today at Nursery. They talked to the boys and girls about keeping safe. They told the boys and girls how to stay safe whilst in the car by wearing their seat belts. They reminded the boys and girls to always wear a helmet when out on their bikes and to stop, look and listen when crossing the road. They also reminded us how important it is to hold an adults hand when out walking. The boys and girls were very lucky as they got to sit in the police car and put the sirens and flashing lights on. Some boys and girls got to put on some police clothes too. They had so much fun! To help the boys and girls remember all the important things the police had said, the boys and girls got lots of goodies to help them stay safe. Thank you very much to the PSNI in Dungannon for coming to visit us.