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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Nursery Mini Marathon for Cancer Research UK

4th May 2018

Rebeka Vaicekauskaite (a child at our Nursery) mummy is participating in a charity run for Cancer Research UK to thank them for their help and support when Rebeka was ill as a little girl. To help support her charity work we completed a mini marathon in the big school playground and asked for donations. 

Mrs Leitch and Mrs Young set up a course for us to run around. Each time we completed a lap we got a stamp. We were able to run 10 laps and then stopped for our picnic, that we made earlier. Then we ran another 5 laps. We all got medals as we were all winners in our mini marathon. 

Thank you to all the parents that donated and helped raise money for a very important charity.