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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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People Who Help Us Dress Up Day at Nursery

26th Mar 2018

We had lots of people who help us today at Nursery. The boys and girls had great fun taking on their new roles, displaying everything they have learnt this month. We had hairdressers who were blow drying hair, we had a vet that called in to get his hair done. He made all the nursery animal teddies better. We had helpful Bush Nursery boys and girls who got their hair done too. There were lots of sick boys and girls today at Nursery so the nurses and doctors were very busy making them all better. They checked their heartbeats and bandaged them up. We had a dentist who checked our teeth and told us how to keep our teeth strong and healthy. Bush police and fire department were also at Nursery today putting out fires and making sure everyone was behaving.


We had a special visit from Jo-Jingles. He didn't recognise us all dressed up in our costumes. We sang songs all about Spring and Easter, with lots of actions. We went on an imaginary Easter Egg Hunt, had an egg and spoon race and made music with the drums. We played a game with special rainbow lycra and had to try to keep all the Spring animals on the lycra.