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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
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Shared Education at Nursery

14th Feb 2018

Yesterday and today, 13th and 14th February, the boys and girls at Nursery had great fun with their friends from Windmill Integrated Nursery Unit during outdoor and indoor play. They worked together with an artist to create a bridge for our outdoor garden. They each drew a picture of themselves, made round balls with some foam clay and attached them to sticks. They made stick insects using paint, pipe cleaners and eyes. With the artist's help, the boys and girls attached all their creations to the bridge. Then they weaved ribbons in and around the bridge.  To finish, the boys and girls all joined together on the mat. They sang rhymes together, thanked Finoula and showed 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' as to how their day went. All the boys and girls had their thumbs up! The boys and girls can't wait to use their bridge and look at everything they made. Thank you so much Finoula for helping us. Bush Nursery Unit can't wait to go the Windmill Nursery Unit next month to work with their friends and Finoula again.