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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
Online applications for Nursery and P1 Online applications for Nursery and P1 are currently open and will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January. Please see our admissions criteria below or the EA website for details on how to apply.
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Thank you from Mrs Moore.

27th Jun 2022

Dear Parents,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the beauiful retirement gifts. I was very touched.

It was an eventful and emotional week for me and I was delighted to be able to speak to so many of you after the Prize Giving.

I have so many special memories of my time at Bush Primary and will cherish everyone of them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support over the years.

I wish you and your loved ones the absolute best for the future.

Kindest Regards,

Sandra Moore.