Access Keys:

Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
Online applications for Nursery and P1 Online applications for Nursery and P1 are currently open and will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January. Please see our admissions criteria below or the EA website for details on how to apply.
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Welcome to Primary 5!

19th Aug 2020

Here are some photos to show you what it will be like returning back to school next week! From the pictures you can see:

  • our classroom set out with social distancing
  • what is currently contained in your desk pot
  • the door you will use to enter/leave the room each day (and the station with a thermometer and hand sanitiser)
  • the signs for which toilet to use (girls only)
  • what you might catch Miss Bartley or Mrs Wright wearing each day!

We are so excited to see you all back at school next week! Enjoy the final few days of your summer holidays.