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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon
Online applications for Nursery and P1 Online applications for Nursery and P1 are currently open and will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January. Please see our admissions criteria below or the EA website for details on how to apply.
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Parent Teacher Association

What is it? 

Bush Primary School has a long history of well established links with parents and a thriving Parent Teacher Association (PTA). All parents are automatically members of the PTA. The committee is a voluntary group of parents who are willing to work on behalf of all of the parents, planning social activities and fund-raising events throughout the school year. 

The PTA committee meet in the school from time to time, normally once or twice a term and thanks to the support of all parents and teachers, they make a lot of money for the school and all of the children benefit from their fund-raising efforts. PTA functions, both fund-raising and social, are generally very well attended, by parents, teachers and friends. In the past few years, the PTA has presented the school with a piano, chairs for functions, a PA system which has greatly enhanced the school's drama performances, equipment for the playground, a Green House, SMART boards, a Trim Trail and new computers. 

Everyone is welcome to become a member of the PTA!


Thank you to everyone who attended the first PTA meeting on Tuesday 7th October 2024. The committee have decided to organise a 'Break the Rules' day in school on Friday 25th October 2024. Please see the poster below for more details. We would encourage you to support this fun event by allowing your child to 'Break the Rules' in exchange for a small donation. 

'Break the Rules Day' was a great hit with the children. A total of £540 was raised from this event. Thank you to everyone who contributed.