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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

Eco Committee members 2024/2025


We are pleased to announce that we have 6 new committee members this year:

  • Mrs McKenzie, our new principal
  • 5 P6 pupil members: Charlie, Oliver N., Chloe, Anna C. and Anna M.

Our original members include:

  • Mrs Thompson (Eco coordinator)
  • 5 P7 pupil members: Elija, Georgia Mc, Ruby V., Ruby M. And Pippa

All members are included in the photograph below.



After carrying out an environmental review we have decided on these topic for our Eco work this year:

  • Biodiversity
  • Healthy Living
  • Waste

We will be working on these topics at different times throughout the year. Eco committee members will attend meetings to help plan our work.


We had our first Eco committee meeting today, 1st October. We welcomed new members from P6: Charlie, Oliver N, Chloe, Anna C and Anna M. We were also delighted to have our new principal, Mrs McKenzie, at the meeting.  
Ruby M from P7 was elected as our secretary for this year and Ruby V from P7 was elected as our chairperson.

We have lots of work to do. This term we are focusing on ‘Healthy Living’. We will be taking a whole school assembly on ‘ Healthy body and mind’ on 17th October.


The Eco committee took an assembly on Thursday 17th October on ‘Healthy body and mind’.

Their message to the pupils was:

  • Get at least 1 hour of exercise per day.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Get plenty of sleep and take time to rest or relax.

This was delivered to the pupils with a PowerPoint presentation and the Eco committee members sharing their experiences in these areas.

The pupils were also told about our Eco competitions:

  • Nursery, P1, P2 and P3 were asked to draw a bowl of their favourite fruits.
  • P4, P5, P6 and P7 were asked to design a poster of our Eco code.

These will be judged next week and prizes awarded.



Winners for ‘Draw a Fruit Bowl’ competition from Nursery to P3 were: 

Nursery: Leah 

P1: Louis 

P2: Emma 

P3: Lily 

Finalists for the Eco Code Competition were:

P4: Nathan, Afonso & Jacob

P5: Ellie, Mason & Sophia

P6: Denis, Isabella & Oliver N

P7: Kayden, Elija and Ruby V

The overall winner was Denis in P6.

Congratulations to Denis on his achievement. He has won a family pass to W5 in Belfast for his excellent work. His poster had been photocopied, enlarged, laminated and is displayed in each classroom. 


Recycling talking by Jolene from Mid Ulster Council. 



Bin checks by the Eco Committee pupils. 🚮

The Eco committee are completing bin checks to encourage all classes to sort their waste correctly following our ‘Recycling' talk.

P6 visit to Drumcoo Recycling Centre

On Friday 21st February P6 pupils visited Drumcoo Recycling Centre Centre in Dungannon. 

When we arrived we were given a high vis vest each for safety while touring the site. We were guided around all the different recycling areas and each was explained to us. 

We learnt that unused paint can be left off for others to take people to take and use, and that our black bin waste no longer goes to landfill but is shipped to Sweden, where it is incinerated to create power. 

We all thoroughly enjoyed the trip, except for the weather, as we all got soaked! 🌧️🌧️


World Book Day Costume Swap! 

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Success at Bush Swap Shop! 🛒
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World Book Day Costume Swap!

P6 pupils planting beech hedging plants in our garden to encourage biodiversity. Brian from Forest Schools taught us how to do this.