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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

29th Sep 2017
Today in Nursery we celebrated Summer and September birthdays. We played pass the...
28th Sep 2017
The boys and girls at Nursery were busy baking today for our Birthday Celebrations...
28th Sep 2017
She told us about keeping safe, in the car, on our bikes and stranger danger.
28th Sep 2017
We have been busy painting our bodies.
26th Sep 2017
The boys and girls were so excited to have our special visitor in Nursery today....
25th Sep 2017
Today in Nursery we created three trains and all climbed aboard. Our trains were...
25th Sep 2017
We were practising our super sitting and good listening today while we all told...
22nd Sep 2017
We went outside to collect deciduous leaves and their fruits.