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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

4th Sep 2024
P.6 pupils wed beds and picked litter to tidy our garden for the autumn.
3rd Sep 2024
We would like to give a warm welcome to all our new P.6 pupils. They are delighted...
2nd Sep 2024
We returned to school after our summer holidays to find carrots, lettuce, broccoli,...

2023/2024 School Year

26th Jun 2024
Congratulations to Ruby Valentine in P.6 who has become an AR Millionaire! She has...
21st Jun 2024
We invited Orritor P.S pupils to our school for a sports morning. We played football...
17th Jun 2024
On Friday 14th June we visited The Ulster American Folk Park in Omagh. We had been...
20th May 2024
Rebeka won our ‘Hit the button’ competition for this term. Congratulations...
10th May 2024
We thoroughly enjoyed buying and eating buns from the P.7 bun sale. They were delicious!
10th May 2024
Our ‘Grow your Own’ planting competition has started! P.6 have planted...
26th Apr 2024
On 22nd April Elle, from P7, took part in Eco Speak 2024. For this she had to write...