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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

23rd Feb 2018
We had a great day today at our birthday party. We had lots of birthday themed play...
23rd Feb 2018
We were great talkers and listeners during circle time. We loved talking about our...
14th Feb 2018
Yesterday and today, 13th and 14th February, the boys and girls at Nursery had great...
13th Feb 2018
Today, 13th February, we made pancakes in school as it was Shrove Tuesday. We were...
13th Feb 2018
At Nursery we worked very hard as a team to make delicious pancakes. We learnt that...
12th Feb 2018
Today we had great fun playing in the snow with our friends. We worked together...
12th Feb 2018
This is the second time we have been allowed to go out and play in the snow in P.6....