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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

3rd Dec 2018
Getting everything ready for Christmas in P.2, using lots of glitter!
3rd Dec 2018
Primary one and two joined together to decorate the Christmas tree in our garden,...
3rd Dec 2018
This morning in P.1, we had a special delivery. A special parcel had arrived...
3rd Dec 2018
We went outside to put on the lights on our Christmas tree. Everyone in P.1. had...
3rd Dec 2018
We used clay and cones to make hedgehogs.
3rd Dec 2018
Getting our hands dirty planting Allium bulbs, we are hoping for a colourful show...
3rd Dec 2018
We have been doing lots of things as Autumn changes into Winter, using clay and...
2nd Dec 2018
On Friday 30th November we enjoyed a Fun Day at Cookstown Leisure Centre. This...
1st Dec 2018
We are delighted to announce that Bush PS finished fifth in the world in the Mathletics...