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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

30th Jan 2019
A past pupil of Bush Primary School visited our P.6 classroom today. It was the...
30th Jan 2019
Our friends from Windmill Integrated Primary School visited our school and...
30th Jan 2019
As it is very cold we decided we should made some food for the birds.  We made...
30th Jan 2019
We had 9 different birds in our garden during the bird watch. Great tit, Robin,...
30th Jan 2019
After a little bit of snow last night P.2 have been busy feeding the birds. We even...
29th Jan 2019
This week we worked on opposition and finger isolation.  Opposition involves...
25th Jan 2019
We went to Coalisland Library today.  Mary read us some stories and we spent...
25th Jan 2019
Mark, from the NI Fire & Rescue Service, came in to talk to us about fire safety...