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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

30th Jun 2020
Some photos from our P7 Leavers 'Picnic on the Pitch.' We wish them every success...
30th Jun 2020
Information regarding our restart plan. Nursery Induction packs will be posted today...
29th Jun 2020
Please be assured that we are continuing to seek a refund of all or at least part, of...
29th Jun 2020
Well done to Daniel Jardine, P6 who won a BB art competition recently. He was the...
26th Jun 2020
Some of the Primary 1 children have been very busy this week. Sam sent a lovely...
25th Jun 2020
Thank you all for the wonderful photos taken and shared during home learning. It...
25th Jun 2020
Reminder - reports and books can be collected today Thursday 25th, 9.30 -10.30...
23rd Jun 2020
Once again thank you for your photographs. I have loved seeing what you have been...
22nd Jun 2020
Another busy week, with lots of fun and learning about the seaside and summer fun!