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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

17th Jan 2019
The children from P.4. at Windmill Integrated Primary School came to visit us on...
16th Jan 2019
Lots of play in P.1.
16th Jan 2019
P.5. pastel drawings of snowdrops.
14th Jan 2019
We have been making bird cake to feed the birds in our school garden. We used fat,...
11th Jan 2019
We are trying to be very fit. We ate too much at Christmas and Judith is trying...
11th Jan 2019
In P.1 we are now blending our sounds together to make words. Some of the words...
9th Jan 2019
Mrs McKenzie, Gabby and Rory enjoyed a lovely day at the MS thank you lunch. ...
9th Jan 2019
We have been very busy solving problems in P.1. We can make number sentences.
9th Jan 2019
We reached our target as we produced some great homeworks. It has been a good start...
9th Jan 2019
We had great fun building houses and factories. We gave the dolls a bath in lovely...