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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

27th Sep 2019
Today in Primary 1, we had our first P.E. lesson. All of the children has great...
27th Sep 2019
We had a very busy week working hard in Primary 1. Lots of the children achieved...
26th Sep 2019
This morning, Primary 1 had a talk on how to stay safe when outside walking and...
25th Sep 2019
We enjoyed our first birthday celebration day together at Nursery. Happy 4th Birthday...
25th Sep 2019
We painted with plungers and fly swatters.  We created a beautiful piece of...
25th Sep 2019
We looked carefully at ourselves in the mirror and talked about the different parts...
20th Sep 2019
We enjoyed our first visit from Jo-Jingles.
20th Sep 2019
P.2. enjoyed their outside play in the September sunshine.