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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

12th Sep 2019
We had lots of fun today exploring how to make a handprint.  We used our handprints...
12th Sep 2019
Today in Primary 1, we sorted cupcakes into sets during number time. We were able...
11th Sep 2019
Take a look at how busy the boys and girls have been in Nursery.
10th Sep 2019
Yesterday, we went for a walk in Mrs Thompson's garden to look at the pumpkins....
9th Sep 2019
Lovely art work from some girls at play time this morning.
9th Sep 2019
We are all having great fun playing outside in the garden with all the different...
6th Sep 2019
We have had a busy first week. We thought we would share it with you.
6th Sep 2019
We have been working very hard in P.1 this week. Look at our great work.