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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

14th Dec 2020
We enjoyed using Christmas materials to create a collage.  We joined our creations...
14th Dec 2020
We have been busy getting the Nursery ready for Christmas.  We put up our Christmas...
14th Dec 2020
We did 20 squats in the classroom. We all agreed this was an easier challenge!
14th Dec 2020
Daisy won our 'Hit the button' tournament this term and Sarah was a very close second....
13th Dec 2020
P4 have been learning the recorder this year and they have done a super job. So...
11th Dec 2020
In the playground we lined up at a white cone. Mrs Thompson placed a red cone and...
10th Dec 2020
Usually at this time of the year the children love their parents to come and watch...
10th Dec 2020
10th Dec 2020
Thanks to James from Sentinus who organised a STEM day for our P7 class. Meet the...