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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

10th Nov 2020
P.6 pupils entered a 'Young Writers' competition. The pupils had to write a 'Peculiar...
10th Nov 2020
Chanelle was awarded the 'star of the week' prize for her super reading progress....
9th Nov 2020
The Nursery children enjoy spending time outdoors every day and all day on a Friday...
9th Nov 2020
Ben and Emma are the winners of the Victorian room prizes. They were chosen by Mrs...
9th Nov 2020
P.7 enjoyed making their Victorian rooms on Friday, don't they look fantastic?
6th Nov 2020
This is our favourite song in P4. We love singing quietly and doing some actions...
6th Nov 2020
We love to take a few minutes in between subjects throughout the day to become reenergised...