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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

12th Oct 2020
The 'friendship trees' are part of our Art and Craft work which ties in with our...
12th Oct 2020
P.6 children continue to enjoy lessons with Liam (IFA coach). They are learning...
12th Oct 2020
9th Oct 2020
Well done boys and girls! 
9th Oct 2020
We made lots of puddles and had fun jumping in them and splashing around!
8th Oct 2020
The boys and girls are definitely getting fitter from doing their daily mile. Some...
8th Oct 2020
Today the children played football rounders in P.E. It was great fun!
7th Oct 2020
We have been looking at Autumn leaves and conkers. We use words such as smooth,...