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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

3rd Dec 2021
We had a brilliant time today walking, skipping and running our Daily Mile with...
3rd Dec 2021
Thank you for bringing in your lovely things to show us. 
3rd Dec 2021
We had a great morning doing our special Santa daily mile in P1 and P2.  ...
3rd Dec 2021
P.3 had a great time doing their festive daily mile.
3rd Dec 2021
We had so much fun on our Santa Daily Mile today. We sang, we laughed and we cheered! 
2nd Dec 2021
We have been getting into the Christmas spirit by decorating our classroom. 
2nd Dec 2021
Happy Birthday boys and girls. Hope you enjoy your day!
2nd Dec 2021
Another successful ‘Chat and Chill’ where everyone enjoyed some tea...
2nd Dec 2021
Well done Lyla on becoming this week’s star for excellent spellings and tables.