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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

19th Nov 2021
For anti-bullying week P7 wrote ‘One Kind Word’ about their classmates. 
19th Nov 2021
Well done Reuben for always being kind and generous! 
16th Nov 2021
Congratulations Georgia, you are a super star!⭐️
16th Nov 2021
Today we had Anne-Marie from SUSTRANS taking assembly. She talked to us about ‘Road...
16th Nov 2021
Today Anne-Marie from ‘Sustrans’ gave us a talk in assembly on ‘Road...
16th Nov 2021
This week’s‘Star of the week’ award was given to Reuben for always...
12th Nov 2021
Well done Sophia, you are this weeks super star 🌟