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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

4th Nov 2021
Our World Around Us topic this half-term is BREAD.  Primary 3 will be learning...
4th Nov 2021
P.6 had fun learning about co-ordinates and orienteering.
4th Nov 2021
Well done to Alex F and Allegra on becoming this week’s stars for their kindness.
3rd Nov 2021
P5 had fun orienteering and learning about safe travel with Anne-Marie from Sustrans.
3rd Nov 2021
We had lots of fun participating in our first session with Rachel. 
2nd Nov 2021
We have been working hard creating PowerPoint presentations all about weather. Our...
2nd Nov 2021
Primary 4 had lots of fun taking part in the Scavenger Hunt!