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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

15th Feb 2023
We have been learning about mummification in Ancient Egypt this week. We are hoping...
15th Feb 2023
P4 learnt how to play Tiddlywinks, a common game played in war times. Then, they...
15th Feb 2023
We have had lots of fun using Cuisenaire, sweets and games to help us learn our...
15th Feb 2023
Well done Sophie! 
14th Feb 2023
We had a really busy day today painting pictures, making cards and baking shortbread. ...
14th Feb 2023
Thank you Nathan, Margo and Dylan for bringing in your lovely things to show us. 
14th Feb 2023
Well done Chloe. 
14th Feb 2023
We enjoyed making our cards to give to a special someone today!
14th Feb 2023
Stars of the week in P.6 were Archie and Alex M. The boys were awarded this for...
10th Feb 2023
Well done Oskaras for excellent work learning and writing your sounds!