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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

4th Dec 2023
We had to pretend to be Santa’s reindeer in PE today, balancing resources on...
4th Dec 2023
Our star of the week is Nathan for excellent work in P.3.  Well done 🌟
4th Dec 2023
P.6 have been having swimming lessons at Cookstown Leisure Centre for the past 10...
3rd Dec 2023
Take a look at our adventures in the forest this month! 
3rd Dec 2023
Take a look at the range of playful learning experiences we enjoyed this month at...
3rd Dec 2023
Well done Farrah, you have worked so hard this week and been very helpful to your...
3rd Dec 2023
Well done Seth, Amy, Sophia, Ellie and Tommy. 
3rd Dec 2023
We had a brilliant day on Friday with our special Christmas jumper Santa mile. 
1st Dec 2023
We are having lots of Christmas fun during Learning through Play! 
1st Dec 2023
So much fun was had this morning on our Santa Run! Firstly, we completed our daily...