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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

14th Mar 2023
Today the staff & pupils got to met Max who was one of the rescue dogs sent...
14th Mar 2023
We met Max today who was one of the rescue dogs sent from Northern Ireland to help...
14th Mar 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Logan. He was awarded this for always producing neat...
13th Mar 2023
Well done to these P.6 pupils who entered and performed at Dungannon Festival this...
13th Mar 2023
We all enjoyed having fun in the snow last Friday, building snow animals, making...
10th Mar 2023
Happy 8th birthday Tommy, Scarlett and Ellie-May! 
10th Mar 2023
Well done Luke! 
10th Mar 2023
Well done to Sofia, Dylan and Maisie for taking part in the speech and drama festival...
10th Mar 2023
We had so much fun in P4 on World Maths Day. We had a Hit the Button class contest,...
10th Mar 2023
Well done Afonso!