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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

8th Jun 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Ava-Rose. She was awarded this for being so kind to...
7th Jun 2023
Well done girls and boys you were brilliant!
7th Jun 2023
Happy birthday Maisie, Mya and Amanda
6th Jun 2023
We had so much fun welcoming the Nursery children to the P1/2 garden this morning....
2nd Jun 2023
We had lots of fun in the forest this month. 
2nd Jun 2023
We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been learning in Nursery this month. 
2nd Jun 2023
Well done Jokubas and Ollie for pleasing progress and excellent behaviour this week....