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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

24th Oct 2023
Every Friday the boys and girls in Nursery visit our forest school site to connect,...
24th Oct 2023
As part of our Getting Ready to Learn parenting programme,  parents and carers...
23rd Oct 2023
William talked to us about his favourite sport, Taekwondo. He showed us  a t-shirt,...
20th Oct 2023
We would like to thank Firefighter Stewart for coming in to give us a talk about...
20th Oct 2023
Well done Lily-Rose for your excellent work on rhyming words this week!
20th Oct 2023
Thank you to Will, Katelyn and Evie for telling us about their special things. 
20th Oct 2023
Well done Phoebe, a kind and helpful girl this week. 
20th Oct 2023
Mya spoke really well in her Show and Tell and showed us her lovely things 👏🏻
20th Oct 2023
Joshua is our Star of the week for being a good friend.  Well done!
20th Oct 2023
Today, our Maths skills were put to the test in an Escape Room challenge. We had...