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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

11th Oct 2023
Ryan took P.6 and P.7 pupils for a Tag Rugby session in preparation for the Tag Rugby...
10th Oct 2023
We have had great fun designing and creating pot sleeves for the Greiner Recycling...
10th Oct 2023
We sorted deciduous leaves and their fruits so the leaf matched with its fruit. We...
9th Oct 2023
Pippa brought a photograph album of her family trip to Lapland last December. She...
6th Oct 2023
Another group of happy P3 helpers, keen to keep our school clean! Thank you 😊 
6th Oct 2023
Thank you to our excellent speakers this week, Sofia and Jacob, who showed us a wonderful...
6th Oct 2023
Congratulations to Michael who won this week’s ‘Star of the Week’...
6th Oct 2023
We had a great time on our Forest School trip today with Caoimhe from NIFSA. We worked...
6th Oct 2023
Well done Samanta for working so hard at writing your name!