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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

28th May 2024
Today was the final session of the Nature Rangers After School Club.  We explored...
23rd May 2024
Thank you Jacob, Ollie and Joshua for showing us all some of your favourite things...
22nd May 2024
We built dens at Nature Rangers after schools club.  It was so much fun! 
21st May 2024
We enjoyed working in our flower bed in the school garden today, planting various...
20th May 2024
Rebeka won our ‘Hit the button’ competition for this term. Congratulations...
19th May 2024
Each class are taking part in a competition to see which class can grow the best...
19th May 2024
Well done Susanna. 
19th May 2024
Well done Lily, Susanna and Evie. 
17th May 2024
P4 have been learning all about symmetry. They put their learning to good use in...
17th May 2024
Well done Karolis. You have worked hard on developing your mental maths skills this...