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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 5

2021/2022 School Year

30th Mar 2022
Congratulations to Xander (P5) on reading over 1 million words on Accelerated Reader!...
25th Mar 2022
Today was Egyptian Day in P5! We participated in lots of activities based on Egyptian...
25th Mar 2022
Emma from Child Evangelism Fellowship Ireland came to deliver her last assembly...
24th Mar 2022
Well done to Dylan on becoming this week’s star for quiet computer work.🌟
16th Mar 2022
P5 had lots of fun making Egyptian Canopic Jars. We’ve displayed them outside...
10th Mar 2022
Well done Charlotte on becoming this week’s star for great homework.🌟
3rd Mar 2022
Well done Tommy and Klaudia on becoming this week’s stars for your perfect...
3rd Mar 2022
P5 enjoyed World Book Day by having a book hunt, playing a guess the book headband...
1st Mar 2022
We wrote instructions on how to make pancakes today and took turns to measure out...
16th Feb 2022
P5 created some brilliant pieces of work in Art on their topic of Ancient Egypt!