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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2022/2023 School Year

19th Apr 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Maya. She was awarded this for independent working....
31st Mar 2023
P.6 enjoying making Easter chicks to hold their creme eggs. 🐣
30th Mar 2023
P.6 had great fun dancing the night away to their favourite songs. They enjoyed...
30th Mar 2023
P.6 thoroughly enjoyed their living history lesson on ‘The Workhouse’....
29th Mar 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Gaby. She was awarded this for good organisational skills....
21st Mar 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Klaudia. She was awarded this for always working hard...
15th Mar 2023
Ben, Jacob, Charlotte and Reuben took part in the Sentinus KNex Challenge in Cookstown....
14th Mar 2023
Today the staff & pupils got to met Max who was one of the rescue dogs sent...
14th Mar 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Logan. He was awarded this for always producing neat...
13th Mar 2023
Well done to these P.6 pupils who entered and performed at Dungannon Festival this...