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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2022/2023 School Year

9th Dec 2022
Well done Evie! 
2nd Dec 2022
Well done Sofia. You are so enthusiastic about learning! 
25th Nov 2022
We have been exploring Performance Poetry in our Literacy lessons.  We enjoyed...
25th Nov 2022
As part of our space topic we have been learning about Star Constellations. We had...
25th Nov 2022
Well done Brayden! You try your best at all times and your Numeracy this week has...
18th Nov 2022
Well done Jessica! You always work hard, you are well organised and you are a super...
10th Nov 2022
As we have been exploring the topic of weather, we worked in groups to create our...