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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2022/2023 School Year

13th Mar 2023
We all enjoyed having fun in the snow last Friday, building snow animals, making...
8th Mar 2023
We all enjoyed wearing numbers on our tops, trousers etc. We also enjoyed various...
7th Mar 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Olivia. She was awarded this for neat, tidy work and...
28th Feb 2023
Well done to all our boys and girls in P2 and P3 for singing so beautifully at the...
28th Feb 2023
Star of the week in P.6 was Pola. She was awarded this for being sensible and helpful...
27th Feb 2023
Well done to the senior choir for coming first in the Dungannon Festival. We are...
27th Feb 2023
We were asked to donate money to the P.7 bun sale for people in Syria and Turkey...
24th Feb 2023
Primary 6 & 7 enjoyed making pancakes on Tuesday. They tasted delicious! 
14th Feb 2023
Stars of the week in P.6 were Archie and Alex M. The boys were awarded this for...