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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2022/2023 School Year

10th Nov 2022
Well done Anna. You always work so hard and have lovely manners. 
10th Nov 2022
We completed a scavenger hunt based on our Weather topic to celebrate Outdoor Learning...
10th Nov 2022
Happy birthday to all the boys and girls who have had their birthdays recently! 
3rd Nov 2022
Ann-Marie from Sustrans came into school today to tell us all about Active Travel....
25th Oct 2022
We had lots of fun making chocolate apples this morning. They tasted delicious! 
21st Oct 2022
Well done Oliver and Charlie. You are always ready to learn and try your best! 
20th Oct 2022
Throughout the week we have been taking part in Maths Week Ireland. We have completed...
20th Oct 2022
We really enjoyed learning lots about how we can keep safe around dogs. 
7th Oct 2022
We had so much fun carrying out an experiment to learn more about how rain is formed....
7th Oct 2022
Well done Caleb! You are a super star!