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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2022/2023 School Year

28th Apr 2023
Well done Mya, you brought in some lovely things to show us for your show and tell. 
28th Apr 2023
Well done Michael, a hard working boy who is always kind to others. 
28th Apr 2023
Thank you very much to Torrent Valley Nursery for donating all of the beautiful...
24th Apr 2023
P1, P2 and P3 enjoyed meeting the lifeguards this morning.
23rd Apr 2023
Well done for working so hard this week Nathan, and for always being a lovely friend. 
18th Apr 2023
Happy birthday to Noah, Gabriele, Karlie, Emili and Harper-Lee who are all celebrating...
31st Mar 2023
29th Mar 2023
Miss Jardine has been helping P2 with their classwork for a few weeks. We have enjoyed...
29th Mar 2023
Well done to Amanda for always working so hard and making great progress with her...