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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 5

2020/2021 School Year

31st Mar 2021
P5 have been so fortunate this year to have been taught by Miss Crozier. She has...
30th Mar 2021
Well done Julia on achieving star of the week! Julia won the award this week for...
9th Mar 2021
Congratulations to Joshua in P7 on winning the Masked Reader competition for World...
1st Mar 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian, New packs to last us until Easter will be ready this Wednesday...
1st Feb 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian, New packs to last us until 8th March will be ready this...
7th Jan 2021
Here is a video to show you how to complete and upload work on Seesaw using 3 different...
5th Jan 2021
Please read the following letter on the procedure for Home Learning 2021. 
16th Dec 2020
Well done Aimee on receiving Star of the Week for super effort in singing during...
16th Dec 2020
Enjoy P5's Christmas peformance!