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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 7

2020/2021 School Year

17th Nov 2020
Sam and Daniel received their prizes for doing their very best in transfer preparation...
12th Nov 2020
P.7 completed fantastic character studies of Captain Hardcastle. Have a look at...
12th Nov 2020
Well done Carla for being neat and tidy.
9th Nov 2020
Ben and Emma are the winners of the Victorian room prizes. They were chosen by Mrs...
9th Nov 2020
P.7 enjoyed making their Victorian rooms on Friday, don't they look fantastic?
13th Oct 2020
Lucy was awarded the prize for  her neat and tidy class and homework...
7th Oct 2020
Well done Emma who got 'Star of the week' for being kind and showing a random act...
1st Oct 2020
Well done Mya. Mya won Star of the Week for trying her best at all times. She...
2nd Sep 2020
After many months off P7 have settled back into class routine. What a great bunch! 
19th Aug 2020
Hi everyone,  I really hope you are enjoying the last few days of the holidays!...