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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
We made lots of puddles and had fun jumping in them and splashing around!
7th Oct 2020
Today we had a teddy bear picnic! First  we made our own sandwiches for...
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to the boys and girls in Nursery - we’ve had such a busy week!
1st Oct 2020
Well done Mya. Mya won Star of the Week for trying her best at all times. She...
30th Sep 2020
Today we celebrated our July, August and September birthdays. We made our own party...
25th Sep 2020
Look at our Nursery Stars - well done!
25th Sep 2020
We played outside today. We were in the sand, on the bikes, in the mud kitchen and...
23rd Sep 2020
Today we had some busy bees who did some super tidying in our construction area. ...
21st Sep 2020
The boys and girls have been so busy weeding our planting area and then planting...
14th Sep 2020
The Nursery boys and girls enjoyed making new friends today as the whole class joined...